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Organization of the process

We will try to promptly respond to your request if it matches the profile of our company.
Актуализация данных

Special purpose

We always forward requests to the heads of specialized areas, if this is not explicit spam.
Полнота информации

Completeness of information

Your request must be specific and understandable so that we can redirect it correctly.
Персонализация обслуживания

Contact details

We do not provide contact details, but always respond to requests if they are relevant to us.
Развитие бизнеса с Ареон Консалтинг

Further actions

The decision on the response to the request is made directly by the head of the profile direction.
array(12) { ["bg"]=> string(63) "" ["size"]=> string(3) "130" ["time"]=> string(5) "25000" ["title_delay"]=> string(3) "0.1" ["list_delay"]=> string(3) "1.6" ["color"]=> string(21) "rgba(255,255,255,0.7)" ["color_hover"]=> string(19) "rgba(180,49,51,0.8)" ["color_category"]=> string(19) "rgba(48,47,45,0.80)" ["block_1"]=> array(7) { ["list_bg"]=> string(71) "" ["title"]=> string(48) "Build mutually beneficial Customer relationships" ["list"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(32) "Oracle Siebel CRM Implementation" } [1]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(22) "Siebel IP19+ Migration" } [2]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(29) "Siebel AMS/Performance Tuning" } [3]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(18) "Siebel Integration" } } ["btn_on_off"]=> bool(true) ["url"]=> string(38) "" ["icon"]=> string(64) "" ["category"]=> string(11) "CRM Systems" } ["block_2"]=> array(7) { ["list_bg"]=> string(70) "" ["title"]=> string(39) "Benefit from data and improve processes" ["list"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(22) "Data Warehouse and ETL" } [1]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(31) "Advanced Analytics and Big Data" } [2]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(21) "Business Intelligence" } [3]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(18) "Data Visualization" } } ["btn_on_off"]=> bool(true) ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["icon"]=> string(69) "" ["category"]=> string(14) "Operational BI" } ["block_3"]=> array(7) { ["list_bg"]=> string(71) "" ["title"]=> string(40) "Effectively manage customer interactions" ["list"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(23) "VICIdial Contact Centre" } [1]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(20) "Chat Bot, DialogFlow" } [2]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(39) "Application Intagration and Omnichannel" } [3]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(23) "Reporting and Analytics" } } ["btn_on_off"]=> bool(true) ["url"]=> string(0) "" ["icon"]=> string(74) "" ["category"]=> string(12) "Call Centers" } ["block_4"]=> array(7) { ["list_bg"]=> string(71) "" ["title"]=> string(46) "Quikly expand the capabilities of your IT Team" ["list"]=> array(4) { [0]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(29) "Oracle (Siebel CRM, OEBS, BI)" } [1]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(23) "SAP (ERP, BW, BO, Hana)" } [2]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(31) "Full stack Software Development" } [3]=> array(1) { ["punct"]=> string(35) "Application Maintenance and Support" } } ["btn_on_off"]=> bool(true) ["url"]=> string(42) "" ["icon"]=> string(73) "" ["category"]=> string(14) "IT Outsourcing" } }
CRM Systems

Build mutually beneficial Customer relationships

  • Oracle Siebel CRM Implementation
  • Siebel IP19+ Migration
  • Siebel AMS/Performance Tuning
  • Siebel Integration
Operational BI

Benefit from data and improve processes

  • Data Warehouse and ETL
  • Advanced Analytics and Big Data
  • Business Intelligence
  • Data Visualization
Call Centers

Effectively manage customer interactions

  • VICIdial Contact Centre
  • Chat Bot, DialogFlow
  • Application Intagration and Omnichannel
  • Reporting and Analytics
IT Outsourcing

Quikly expand the capabilities of your IT Team

  • Oracle (Siebel CRM, OEBS, BI)
  • SAP (ERP, BW, BO, Hana)
  • Full stack Software Development
  • Application Maintenance and Support